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Thursday, 03 May 2007
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Feeling Good Again
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My blood was seething, boiling, pumped through my body in a violent flow of energy. I couldn't handle it, I thought. It will end very badly, that can't be anything else. Frank woke up around ten that morning, with no knowledge of my actions that night. He asked me if I was okay, and I nodded with a faint, fake smile. He went to his work and I sat on the balcony with no other thought in my head than murder.

I longed for blood, for a fight, and this feeling had never been any stronger than right now. I had to break the pact tonight, and kill Frank unexpectedly. I couldn't help it, I had to. So I made a plan.

Diner was ready when Frank came home. He was quite contend and even gave me a little hug.

“I had a good day, how was yours?” He asked, as he put down his briefcase and took off his coat.

“O, it was fine.” He didn't know I was at the risk of loosing my job because of the fact that I hadn't gone there too many times. Today I'd stayed home too, so they probably didn't like me very much at work anymore.”Do you wanna go to my parents house tonight?” I asked. “They're away for a short holiday, so we can spend some time there.” It was close to the city, but a beautiful place, with a large backyard and a huge livingroom with a fireplace. Room for me to do my thing, where noone would notice it.

“Okay, that's a good idea.” I knew Frank liked it there, he loved the silence and nature around the house. So after diner, we quickly packed our things and drove in my old car through town. It only took us half an hour to get there.

Frank didn't bother to unpack, he threw his suitcase in the bedroom and spent some time trying to get the fire to burn. He kneeled in front of the fireplace and lit a countless amount of matches, tore old newspapers and built a nice stack of wood. It took him like an hour to get a decent fire, but Frank was very proud.

“Look at that. Well, now we can grab a book and have some oldfashioned peace and quiet.” He smiled contendly and I crawled under a blanket on the couch.
“You're a real great man.” I pulled up my nose and grinned at him.

Frank sat himself in the large chair across from the fire, and stared at it with dreamy eyes. Some time later he took a newspaper. When he was completely focussing on that, I stood up, and went to the bathroom. Some minutes later I checked if he was still reading, and then sneaked out the backdoor. I knew my parents' house very well, and found my way quietly to the shed. Inside, I immediately found the chainsaw, my father kept to maintain the large trees on his grounds. I checked if there was enough fuel in it.

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